SQL parser detect alias as table column

Hi guys,
Have some strange error when I tried to execute the next SELECT query:

SELECT count(a.id) count_yes, a.stepid stepid_yes, a.stepid
                  FROM activity a
                    a.type = 4
                    a.stepid IN ('1bb64fbb-8d46-4eb5-ab6e-7c0aab679ea7')
                  GROUP BY a.stepid


SQLActionException[SQLParseException: Couldn't find Field{QueriedTable{DocTableRelation{doc.activity}}.stepid_yes, pointer=Reference{ident=<RefIdent: doc.activity->stepid>, granularity=DOC, position=6, default expression=null, type=text, index type=NOT_ANALYZED, nullable=true, columnstore enabled=false}} in SourceSymbols{inputs={Field{QueriedTable{DocTableRelation{doc.activity}}.count_yes, pointer=count(Ref{doc.activity.id, text})}=IC{0, bigint}, Field{QueriedTable{DocTableRelation{doc.activity}}.stepid, pointer=Reference{ident=<RefIdent: doc.activity->stepid>, granularity=DOC, position=6, default expression=null, type=text, index type=NOT_ANALYZED, nullable=true, columnstore enabled=false}}=IC{2, text}}, nonDeterministicFunctions={}}]

Looks like parser detects alias as some table column.

Please note that this works differently on different machines. This query is executed well on the server with Linux but on my local computer with Windows I get this error.

CrateDB version: 4.0.2 -SNAPSHOT-27add9a

My docker-compose config:

        image: crate
        container_name: ezf_crate
          - "4200:4200"
          - "5432:5432"
          - 5432
          - ./cratedb/runtime/data:/data    
          CRATE_HEAP_SIZE: 1g
        command: crate -Cnode.name=crate-1 -Cnode.store.allow_mmapfs=false

This is indeed a bug, could you create a Github issue please?
Thanks for reporting already.

We’ve fixed this issue by https://github.com/crate/crate/pull/8985. It will be part of the next 4.0 hotfix release, also the next nightly build will contain it.
Btw. this bug is not existent at the 3.3 releases and inside 4.x will not happen inside simple queries (no grouping, joins, subselects, etc.)
Thanks again for reporting! feel free to directly create a github issue next time you’ll encounter a possible bug :slight_smile: